Sunday, September 22, 2013

SAP FICO Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

SAP FICO Interview Questions and Answers in Accenture

Accenture FICO Interview Questions

1. Realization phase ? what areas you configured?
2. Business area? Assignments ? what level? How many b/s area’s you created?
3. Documents type  what does it control? A/c type? Can we use the D.T for Batch input session?
4. A/c Group ?what does it control? FSG vs FSV?
5. LSMW steps?
6. Dunning? Procedure?
7. COD? Which tool u are using?
8. WHT Steps? New reports?
9. Group asset ? Reporting?
10. Month ending activities and you are role?
11. Make to order
12. Make to stock
13. FI-sd,What is subsequent debit?
14. For defining co what do you need?

SAP FICO Interview Questions and Answers in Wipro

Wipro FICO Interview Questions

1. Dunning keys?
2. Terms of payment ? use of Day limit? How the top will derive at transaction level?
3. Tax’s on sales and purchases configuration steps? WHT steps?
4. Asset class?
5. New gl functionality document splitting/
6. FI-MM integration entries ,valuation class
7. In FBZP settings use of payment medium work bench ?
8. How to change the payment method after proposal created?
9. User was posted  15 invoices he was not up dated the wht code for that line ltems now the user want to update ? then how?
10. Support issues and transportation procedure?

SAP FICO Interview Questions and Answers free download

ITC Infotech FICO Interview Questions

1. New gl functionality ,Document splitting with example , Zero balancing clearing a/c?
2. Co-FI reconciliation?
3. A/C entry’s of freight charges,asset scrapping,asset sale ,down payment made ,asset depreciation,FCV and Document type?
4. FSG vs FSV
5. COD, Dep areas,
6. Support issue? Asset value date ?
7. Manual cheque deposit T-code?
8. House Bank , Bank Id , GL a/c
9. 10 invoices are there I need to pay 1 only invoice how to pay in app?

SAP FICO Interview Questions and Answers for 3 years Experience

Igate patni FICO Interview Questions

1. Cut over activates ,vendor balances upload entry?
2. New gl functionality , Direct postings to non-leading ledger?
3. Asset issue ? App issue? Importance of variant principle/
4. Changes in the dep key what is the impact on asset accounting?
5. T code ABS0  ? unplanned depreciation use?
6. Up to How many depreciation area’s able to create?
7. Asset class what level? Depreciation key at what level?
8. Derived depreciation & delta depreciation area difference?
9. Clearings? Partial & residual payments and entry?
10. Cash discount configuration ? entry?
11. App configuration steps and payment terms?
12. Support process , SLA?
13. Tell me any new report that you enhanced?
14. Controlling area assignments, Standard hierarchy
15. Internal order settlement tcode?
16. Profit center accounting?  If there is no derivation rule what will happen? Dummy profit center to original pc moving possible?
17. FI-SD integration entries,F I-MM integration entries?
18. Asset purchase entry ?

PM Round

1. Tell me about your work process in support project?
2. Which tool you are using ?
3. How is your  client interaction ? What type of  challenges  you will faced in the project? Tell me one challenge ?
4. Tell me recently solved critical issue ?
5. How do you came into sap ? where you learnt?

SAP FICO Interview Questions free Download

Infinite solution  telephonic FICO Interview Questions

1. Cut over activites, Data migration ,balance uploads  entries?
2. How will you interact with master data team?
3. Customer  recon a/c wrongly assigned ? how to handle the situation?
4. Document reversals and country specific requirements?
5. New gl functionality LL –NLL , Document splitting with example, Zero balance clearing a/c
6. What is the correspondence types ? with new gl will u send splitted line items are the normal line items?
7. When the user doing posings he was not given the business area ? Is it possible to update the business area for posted document what is the process?
8. Classic WHT vs Extended WHT diff? Vat returens?

CTS Interview Questions for Experienced in SAP FICO

CTS FICO Interview Questions

1. Reclassify assets – Wrongly created asset class ?while doing reclassification of asset’s you are getting an error what will you do?
2. App configuration steps ? use of script forms?
3. What is the variant principle at what  level it is created?
4. Cost center ,Profit center table tables
5. BRS entries
6. What is the purpose to use the GR/IR clearing a/c ?
7. OIM ? what a/c’s has to be maintained ?
8. Customer is a vendor Configuration steps
9. Month ending activities
10. Retained earnings a/c ? how the balance carry forward?

2nd round CTS

1. Support issues
2. Month end activites
3. FCV entries
4. New gl document splitting strcture ? item categories ,business transaction ? tell me the business transaction for vendor?
5. Document splitting with  accounting entry ?
6. GR/IR clearing a/c
7. FI-MM integration entries
8. Standard price vs moving average price ? where it is maintained give me a example?

SAP FICO Interview Questions

Robert Bosch FICO Interview Questions

1. Enterprise structure
2. 1 Company operating business in 10 countries how many company codes will you create?
3. BRS process all accounting entries?

FICO Interview Questions and Answers

KPMG SAP FICO Interview Questions

1. Asap methodology  phases? System landscape?
2. Foreign currency valuation process and tell the entries diff b/w realized gain and unrealized gain
3. OIM ? GL a/c wrongly created without selecting the OIM  entries are posted to that gl a/c how will solve the issue ?
4. WHT rate has been changed will you make the rate change to the existing code are create a new code ? then how what is the effect on the open items?
5. Sort key use?
6. BRS process  and entries? What basis cheque wil credit?
7. Document splitting ?
8. Leading ledger & non leading ledger?

SAP FICO Interview Questions and Answers free download

Hcl Techonlogies FICO Interview Questions

1. Support issues in AA, App & functional specification?
2. Tell me the P2P cycle what are all the accounting entries when the product delivery to the customer ?
3. Standard price vs moving average price give me a example? which is using for which product?
4. New gl functionality ?Dummy profit center in New GL?
5. Document splitting configuration steps?
6. Material Master data how the cost s update? Previous cost ,present cost& Future cost  how it will update?
7. Formula based vs condition based procedure?
8. How many coa’s are using the client ? what is the use of country specific coa’s ? Tell me one scenario where it is using ? how the consolidation will happen?
9. Data Migration all accounting entries ?
10. Asset entries ? Depreciation entry? Asset sale  with customer & without entries and scrapping?
11. Cost center accounting , Distribution ,Assessment where it is used  & SKF use ? Activity types use?
12. Credit controlling area ? client using Make to Stock , Make to order?
13. Use of availability amount field in bank determination?
14. In PO what is the use of a/c assignment category?

Mindtree SAP FICO Interview Questions for Experienced

Mindtree Technologies FICO Interview Questions

1. Realization phase activities ,Cutover activities what is the sequence and Data take over accounting entries
2. What level issues will  you handle & priority time?
3. Planned delivery cost & unplanned delivery cost ? Accounting entries?
4. Given one  scenario vendor is having 3 banks a/c’s how will map & how to make payment from particular bank?
5. How to change the wrong recon account postings’?
6. In f110 run shall I pay check payment & wire transfer in single run ? How?
7. If customer is a vendor & vendor is a customer what is the configuration settings & how will u clear 1 against another ?
8. New GL functionality ?Document splitting purpose? Passive splitting give me a example?
9. Difference b/w FYV & PPV
10. Month ending and year ending activities
11. I have a requirement to change coa’s  is it possible? Then how?
12. Cost center accounting functionality?
13. Distribution assessment use   ? Budgeting plan vs actual n variance analysis?
14. 10 company codes having difference COA ‘s can I assign 1 cod?
15. Spl gl transactions ? Types? What is noted item & real posings is it applicable spl gl transactions for credit check?
16. Duplication of invoice processing configuration steps?

TCS SAP FICO Interview Questions for Experienced

TCS Telephonic

1. Cost center planning? actual vs  planning n variance analysis tell me one scenario where it is used?
2. Difference b/w   Assessment  & distribution  in which business scenario it is using give me a example?
3. Profit center accounting how it will derive? How the cost flows in to pc?
4. Asset purchase through po configuration steps and tell the accounting entries?
5. Tell me the auc settlement process?
6. FI-SD integration accounting entries? where is the 1st integration point . Account keys are in sd where it is assigned?
7. APP configuration steps . If cheque is void what u will do? How to assign sequential cheque lot?

PM Round

1. Support process how will u resolve the issues, SLA & priorities ?
2. WHT Sections
3. In current client Tcurr table updation daily base or monthely?
4. Back ground jobs
5. What are all the month end activities ?

Interest calculation in sap, interest calculation configuration in sap, interest calculation configuration in sap fico, interest calculation configuration with srcreenshots in sap

Open item management in sap fico, open item management in sap, Open item management account in sap, open item management and line item display in sap, partial clearing in sap, partial clearing and residual clearing sap, Residual clearing in sap

Foreign Currency Transactions, Foreign Currency Transactions in sap, sap foreign currency translation, sap foreign currency translation configuration, sap foreign currency translation configuration with screenshot

Reversal document in sap, Reversal document sap fi, reversal documents sap, sap reversal document, reversal of clearing document in sap mass reversal in sap, mass reversal of clearing document

Recurring document configuration sap, Recurring document posting in sap, Recurring document posting with screenshots in sap, recurring document in sap fico, Recurring document in sap, sap create recurring document, sap post recurring document, sap create recurring entry

Accrual/deferral documents in sap, Accrual/deferral document, accrual/deferral documents posting, Accrual/deferral document posting with screenshots

Hold document in sap, Hold document in sap fico, post hold document sap, Post hold document with screenshots in sap, sap fi hold document

Parked document in sap, Parked document posting, Park document in sap fico, Park document posting with screenshots in sap, sap document parking and posting

Posting of general ledger account, General document in sap, Posting of general ledger with screenshots in sap, fi document posting, sap fico document posting

Documents in sap fico, Documents in sap, Documents with screenshots in sap fico

The following are the type of Documents:
1.      General Document
2.      Parked Document
3.      Hold Document
4.      Sample Document
6.      Recurring Document
7.      Reversal Document

Document posting in sap, Document posting sap fico, document posting with screenshot in sap, sap fi document posting

Creating general ledger accounts, General ledger in sap, fico general ledger, sap fico general ledger, sap fico general ledger concept, general ledger creation with screenshots in sap

Saturday, September 21, 2013

global parameters in sap fico, global parameters in sap, global parameters configuration in sap fi

On top system – Select (pull down menu) create session
Or click on create new session icon
If we want the present screen to remain and go to new session give /O and transaction code,
If we don’t want to retail the present screen and want to go SPRO screen the use
Note: You can operate Six Sessions at a Time


Path: SPRO ® Sap Reference IMG ® Financial Accounting ® Financial Accounting  Global  Settings ® Company Code ® Enter Global Parameters

Select Position button
Go to Details Icon or F2

Click on Field Status Variant

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Tolerance groups in sap, tolerance groups for gl accounts, tolerance groups for employees, sap tolerance group configuration, SAP Tolerance group configuration with screenshots in sap

Document types and number ranges in sap, Document type and number ranges in sap fico, define document type and number range in sap, sap fi document types and number ranges, Document types and number ranges configuration in sap, document types and number ranges configuration with screenshots in sap

Posting period variant in sap fi, posting period in sap, posting period configuration sap, Posting period configuration with screenshots in SAP, sap fico posting period,

Retained earnings account in sap, Retained earnings account in sap fico, sap retained earnings account configuration, sap retained earnings account configuration with screenshots

Account groups in sap, Account group configuration in sap, sap fico account groups, sap fico account group configuration, Accounts groups configuration with screens in sap

Account groups in sap, Account group configuration in sap, sap fico account groups, sap fico account group configuration, Accounts groups configuration with screens in sap

Chart of accounts in SAP FICO, chart of accounts configuration in sap, sap chart of accounts configuration, chart of accounts configuration with screens in SAP

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SAP FICO Organization structure settings, SAP FICO Customization with screens

SAP FI Configuration Guide with Screenshots

Define ORACLE Sales Analysis

ORACLE Sales Analysis: 

Allows for better forecasting, planning. and reporting of sales information 

Define ORACLE Revenue Accounting

ORACLE Revenue Accounting: 

Gives an organization timely and accurate revenue and flexible commissions reporting.

Define ORACLE Receivables

ORACLE Receivables: 

Improves cash flow by letting an organization process more payments faster, without off-line research. Helps correctly account for cash, reduce outstanding receivables, and improve collection effectiveness

Define ORACLE Purchasing

ORACLE Purchasing: 

Improves buying power, helps negotiate bigger discounts, eliminates paper flow, increases financial controls, and increases productivity.

Define ORACLE Personnel

ORACLE Personnel:

Improves the management of employee- related issues by retaining and making available every form of personnel data. 

Define ORACLE Payables

ORACLE Payables:

Lets an organization process more invoices with fewer staff members and tighter controls. Helps save money through maximum discounts, bank float, and prevention of duplicate payment. 

Define ORACLE Order Entry

ORACLE Order Entry: 

Provides organizations with a sophisticated order entry system for managing customer commitments

Define ORACLE Inventory

ORACLE Inventory: 

Helps an organization make better inventory decisions by minimizing stock and maximizing cash flow. 

Define ORACLE General Ledger

ORACLE General Ledger:

Offers a complete solution to journal entry, budgeting, allocations, consolidation, and financial reporting needs

Define ORACLE Assets

ORACLE Assets: 

Ensures that an organization’s property and equipment investment is accurate and that the correct asset tax accounting strategies are chosen. 

Commands of DDL, DML and TCL

Commands of DDL, DML and TCL?

DDL: Commands for defining relation schemas, deleting relations, creating indices and modifying relation schemas.
DML: Insert tuples, delete tuples, and modify tuples.

TCL: Commit a transaction, rolling back a transaction, and creating a Savepoint.

What is the MultiOrg

What is the MultiOrg?

MultiOrg or Multiple Organizations Architecture allows multiple operating units and their relationships to be defined within a single installation of ORACLE 

What is ORACLE Financials

What is ORACLE Financials?

ORACLE Financials products provide organizations with solutions to a wide range of long- and short-term accounting system issues. 

Difference between servlets and JSP

Difference between servlets and JSP?

The main difference is that servlets are precompiled before execution while JSP pages are compiled at run time only. 

What is an applet in JAVA

What is an applet in JAVA?

An applet is a small application that can be accessed on an Internet server. It can be transported over Internet, automatically installed, and run as part of a web document. 

When is a constructor called

When is a constructor called?

A constructor is called when an object is created. 

How can a linked list be sorted

How can a linked list be sorted?

Algorithms like insertion sort and merge sort can be used to sort a link list. Another way is to keep the list in order as it is built in. 

Define null pointer

Define null pointer?

The null pointer is a pointer where the pointer variable does not refer any object (i.e. a pointer to nothing). It is usual for functions which return pointers to return NULL if they failed in some way. The null pointer is distinguishable from all other pointer values and it does not contain the address of any object or function. 

Difference between arrays and pointers

Difference between arrays and pointers?

Arrays automatically allocate space, which is fixed in size and location; pointers are dynamic.

Difference between a structure and class

Difference between a structure and class?

In a structure the members are public by default. They can be accessed freely, while in a class they by default are private. 

What is hashing

What is hashing?

Hashing refers to the mapping of strings (or other data structures) to integers, for easier searching. 

What is a 'friend' function

What is a 'friend' function?

When a function is declared to be a friend of a class, although this function is not a member of that class, it can access the private variables and functions of that class. 

"sequence point" Means

"sequence point" Means?

This is a point (at the end of a full expression, or at the ||, &&, ?:, or comma operators, or just before a function call) at which all side effects are guaranteed to be complete. 

What is the function ‘rw+’ in C

What is the function ‘rw+’ in C?

While opening up the file rw+ is used to read, write and append.

Difference between Malloc and Calloc function in ‘C’

Difference between Malloc and Calloc function in ‘C’?

Malloc takes single parameter to specify the memory space to be allocated size of data type.

Calloc takes two parameters, one to specify the number of blocks and the other to specify block size.

Use of operator 'this'

Use of operator 'this'?

The operator 'this' is used to refer to the current instance of an object (that is the object currently executing). 

Difference between C and C++

Difference between C and C++?

C++ is object oriented programming language using most of the primary constructs of C. 

What is a derived class

What is a derived class?

A derived class starts with an existing base class and builds upon it. For example, shape can be a base class, which can be extended to create specific classes like square, triangle or a hexagon, which are 'derived' from shape. 

What is abstract class

What is abstract class?

An abstract class is a class created solely for the purpose of being extended. For example, shape can be abstract class, which can be extended to create specific classes like square, triangle or a hexagon. 

What is a class

What is a class?

A class is a template used to create multiple objects with similar features. Every class has two components. Attributes and Behaviours. Attribute differentiates one class from other. Behaviour is the way a class of objects can do anything to themselves or others. Behaviour of a class of objects is done by methods. Methods are a group of states and accomplish a specific task.

What is OOP

What is OOP?

In Object Oriented Programming (OOP) programs are organized in a way that mirrors the way objects are organized. In OOP programs are organized into elements called classes. These classes are used to create objects. Two aspects define classes, one is attribute and the other is behaviour. Objects are created from class. They are also known as instances. Classes are connected to one another in such a way that one inherits functionality of other class. The classes are linked to one another through interfaces. 

What is a union

What is a union?

A union is a group of variables that share the same address

What is a structure

What is a structure?

A structure provides a way to define a collection of data having similar attributes.
Consider, for example all students in a school. Each student has an enrolment no, name, and marks in all subjects. C provides a way to group such a set of data. This is called a structure. It is represented by the key word, 'struct'. A struct is represented as follows:
struct students
char student_name[25];
int mat_marks; int phy_marks; int che_marks;

} st; 

Difference between an array int x[5], pointer int *x

Difference between an array int x[5], pointer int *x ?

In the first case, x refers to a pre-allocated memory for 5 integers.

In the second case, x is just declared as a pointer to integer. In order to use this to refer to an array of integers, memory first needs to be allocated and the pointer to that memory needs to be assigned to x. 

Functional Data Types in C Program

Functional Data Types in C Program?

The fundamentals data types are char, int, float, double, void and enum. The first four data types have modifiers short, long, signed, which define the amount of storage avoidable to the variable e.g. short int, long double, unsigned clear, unsigned short int etc. 

What are stdin and stdout

What are stdin and stdout?

stdin is a pointer, which refers to terminal (screen) input.

stdout is a pointer that refers to terminal (screen) output.

Difference between Data Mart and Data Warehouse

Difference between Data Mart and Data Warehouse?

Data warehouse is an enterprise wide solution where as Data mart is a departmental/ specific business application solution.

Data mart is a smaller version of data warehouse.