Saturday, September 14, 2013

Additional actions in sap hr

Additional Action Is Not Working 

Explain how the additional action features works?
The application works as follow:
With activating 'additional actions' the user is able to process an action with the same begin date as an already existing action.
The system behavior is then as following:
1) Already existing action has a value in one of the three status fields in table T529A (Cus.-spef., Employment and Spec.pymt.) and the already processing action has no value:
-> Then the already processing action will only saved in infotype 0302.
2) Already existing action has no value in the three status fields in table T529A (Cus.-spef., Employment and Spec.pymt.) and the already processing action has a value:
-> Then the already processing action will be saved in infotype 0000 and infotype 0302 and the infotype 0000 record for the
already existing action will be deleted (the infotype 0302 record for this action remains).
3) Already existing action has a value in one of the three status fields in table T529A (Cus.-spef., Employment and Spec.pymt.) and the already processing action has a value, too:
-> Then the already processing action will be saved in infotype 0000 and infotype 0302 and the infotype 0000 record for the
already existing action will be deleted (the infotype 0302 record for this action remains).
If 'additional action' is deactivated, the system behavior is as following:
If an user process an action with same begin date as an already existing action, the processed action will be saved in infotype 0000 and the infotype 0000 record for the already existing action will be deleted, independent if the already existing action has a value in the three status fields in table T529A or the already processed action has a value in status fields.
Activate the 'Additional Actions' functionality:
Personnel Management --> Personnel Administration --> Customizing Procedures --> Actions --> Set up Personnel Actions -> Activation 'Additional Actions'
Give the pernr to activate addl actions
Remove the test run
and run the two actions in the same day
You can see the addl action via PA10
If both actions are configured to update both IT0000 and IT0302, I would expect (in the end) one record in IT0000 but 2 records in IT0302.
In the previously mentioned IMG - step you can define priorities of personnel actions. If you record multiple actions on the same day, the action with the highest priority will be recorded in IT0000 (and IT0302). The action with the lowest priority will be recorded in IT0302 only.
You cannot run two "status changing" actions on the same day - for example, if one action changes the status to "active' and the other one to "inactive" or vice-versa, then they cannot be executed on the same day - even with IT302 switch.

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