Wednesday, September 18, 2013

BPO Will Succeed In India?

Do you think BPO will succeed in India?

India is expected to hog this sector for the next 5-7 years. Competitors like Canada, China and Philippines suffer from different problems. Philippines and Canada lack scalability on the part of human resources while the Chinese lack English language skills.

The factors that are reinforcing outsourcing to India are:
India has the largest English speaking population in the world after the United States. High availability of educated customer care professionals and computer literates.
Indian companies can provide call center services to clients based in the US or the UK at less than half of what it costs in US, UK or Australia. Per employee cost in US is approximately $40,000 while in India it is only $5,000.
Indian companies are increasingly adapting to international quality standards.
The Government of India has recognized the potential of IT-enabled services and has taken positive steps by providing numerous incentives.

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