Saturday, September 14, 2013

BSI Communication Failure During Payroll Run and training materials

BSI Communication Failure During Payroll Run
I am facing the problem while running US payroll in processing, the error message shows BSI communication failure.
BSI Communication Failure:
1.  BSI is a tax interface. You need to disable the tax calculation or configure the BSI interface (In real time configuration BSI is already there).
2.  Do transaction code PE01
3.  Copy schema U000 to TZ00(Any name)
4.  Generate main schema (Press generate button)
5.  Copy schema UTX0(Calculate Tax) to UZZ0(Any name)
6.  You may Generate subschema 
7.  Open newly copied subschema (UZZ0).
8.  Comment out the USTAX and UTPRI function. (Disable) –SAVE 
9.   In PE01 enter Schema TZ00 – press change
10. In TZ00 replace the UTX0 function to your newly copied UZZ0 – SAVE it
11. Run the Payroll Driver again by using Schema TZ00
 That should do it! 
1.) Firstly in Tax Factory 8.0 issues check system BAT/CSH file. If the OS is Microsoft Windows then it is a BAT file, in case of UNIX systems it is a CSH file. This "batch program" is called by RFC connection and runs the Tax Factory Engine.
1.a) Windows Scenario:
The bat file should be set like the following example:
3.) errors.txt in gateway working directory
4.) C:
5.) CD C:\BSI\
6.) in same directory
7.) tf80server.exe %*
DSN = ODBC connection. Example = "TF80". 
UID = Tax Factory 8.0 Database user. Example: "TF80". 
PWD = Tax Factory 8.0 Database password. Example: "bsi". 
(Line 2) "TF80DB" = Database's name. 
(Line 2) "TF80SCHEMADB" = Database Schema's name. 
(Line 5) Location of tf80server executable file (same place of bat file). 
1.b) Unix Scenario:
The Csh file should be set like the following example:
set execution environment for Tax Factory 8.0 
set oracle environment variables 
grant database rights to users who invoke this 
setenv ORACLE_SID ORCL#Replace with your Oracle SID
setenv ORACLE_HOME /usr/sap/oracle/product#Replace with your
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/sap/oracle/product/lib#Replace with
set the directory path for BSI 
setenv BSI_DIR /usr/sap/{SID}/SYS/exe/run/#Replace with
appropriate path
unsetenv NLS_LANG
unsetenv ORA_NLS33
change directory to the TaxFactory server directory 
cd /usr/sap/{SID}/SYS/exe/run #Replace with appropriate path
#set the TaxFactory default database connection
setenv DATABASE tf80/bsi@ORCL #Replace with your Oracle Connect
for SAP trace debugging, uncomment below & see file error.txt 
in same directory
./tf80server $1 $2 $3 -o error.txt 
else for usual operation 
./tf80server $1 $2 $3
end file 
2.) The Tax Factory database user MUST has access to database and a valid password. You can test this in a lot of different ways:
2.a) Connecting directly to database with the Tax Factory Database User for testing purposes.
2.b) Testing the ODBC connection with the Tax Factory Database User Normally the path is Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Data Sources (ODBC)
2.c) Sometimes the dabatase does not allows database account logon (Only Windows Account logon), so it will not possible to test connecting to database using the Tax Factory Database User. In this case you need to connect on database with an Windows Account Logon (with administration permission) and then check if the Tax Factory Database User exists, password is not wrong, user is not locked, user has all permissions to access the tables, etc.
3.) The database's schema MUST be the same mentioned in the bat file. Normally you can check the database schema in the properties of the database (inside of your database program administration, for example
SQL Enterprise Manager is the program for Microsoft SQL 2000 database).
4.) The ODBC connection MUST has set the default database your BSI database.
5.) Tax Factory Program must has created the "Data Set", like the following example:
System ER5
Client 110
So the "Data Set" will be 110
More information please check note 1068271 section 17 (Q. What is a dataset in TaxFactory 8.0?).
6.) The RFC Connection must target the BAT file and not the executable file and the RFC's name MUST be "BSI80-US-TAX".
7.) Sometimes the problem/dump persists so it will be necessary to create/analyse the log files.
To create a test lof file you need to change the bat file to look like this:
errors.txt in gateway working directory
in same directory
tf80serverdebug.exe %* <<< CHANGED LINE >>>
This executable file will create a log file in the same folder describing his problem, then you will be able to analyse the results, if it is a RFC problem, permission, Data Set not created, etc.

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