Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Classification of Ledger Accounts

Kinds (Classifications) of ledger accounts

1)    Debtors ledger Accounts: 

                 When customer purchases goods on credit basis from the business concern, they becomes the “Debtors’ of the firm. When all their accounts are recorded in one book that book is known as
“Debtors ledger”. All the accounts in the Debtors ledger show only debit balances.  The total balances of these accounts indicate the total amount to be received from the customers.

2)    Creditors Ledger Accounts:
               When the firm purchase goods on credit basis from the Suppliers, the suppliers become “Creditors” to the firm.
When all the accounts of creditors are recorded in one book, that book is known as “Creditors Ledger”. All the accounts in the creditors ledger show only credit balances. The Total balance of these accounts indicates the total amount to be paid by the company to the supplier.

3)    General Ledger:

               The business firm acquires many assets for successful operation of the business similarly it makes different types of expenditure in the process of business. The business gets income out of its business transactions. When the company records all these accounts that means accounts related to the assets, income and expenditure in one book, that book is known as “General Ledger”
                       Assets a/c = Goods, Cash, Machinery etc…,
                       Expenses a/c = Wages, Salaries, freights, etc..,
                       Income a/c = Commission received, discount received etc..,
Are recorded in general, ledger accounts related to real accounts and the balance of all types of accounts related to nominal accounts always show only debit balance. On the other hand, all the accounts related to incomes show only credit balances.

4)    Self Ledger:

                When all accounts which indicate the relationship between proprietor and the business firm are recorded is one book, that book is known as “Self Ledger” this is called “Private Ledger”
          Eg: Capital Account, Drawing Accounts, Profit and Loss a/c’s etc..,
                 This ledger is highly confidential.

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