Friday, September 6, 2013

Create Park Document in SAP FICO

Parking of Documents are used where approval by Sr. Person is reqired for the Posted Documents. For Example, if in any company Cashier or Accountant  and Accounts Manager/ Sr. Person are there .

Cashier/ Accountant

Acc.Manager/ Sr. Person
Enter the Transaction and
Park the Document for
Approval of Senior

Parking will not Update
the Ledger
After Parking Cashier
will Send Message to
Senior for Release /
Approval of Doc.
Sr. Verify the Parked Doc
and make corrections if
need and Releases the Doc.

Releasing will updated the

After Releasing Sr. will
send reply to Cashier

Steps to Cover this Topic :
1 Entering Document and Parking by Cashier/Accountant
2 Display G L A/c to check wether Ledgers updated or Not.
3 Sending Message to Senior for Releasing Parked Document
4 Display Parked Documents, Make Corrections in Amount, Head of Account, Date and Releasing by Sr. Person
5 Display G L A/c to check wether Ledgers updated or Not.
6 Sending Message to Cashier regarding the Releasing of Document by Sr. Person
7 Display changes made by Senior Person in Parked Document for Cashier

1 Entering Document and Parking by Cashier/Accountant
Path: Accounting ----> Financial Accounting---->General Ledger----> Posting----> General Document Parking ( F-65)

Doc.Date:  18.07.09                        Type:         SA      Comp.Code:                            PSL
Post.Dt:     18.07.09

Post Key:               40                     Account No:                400100 →         ENTER
Amount:              1111                    Business Area:   PSLH
Text:          Parking Document Testing

Post Key:               50                     Account No:                200100 →         ENTER
Amount:     *                                   Business Area:   PSLH
Text:          +
Select Document Overview ( Shift+F2) Button which is on Left Top
We get a message Document 3 was parked in PSL

2 Display G L A/c to check wether Ledgers updated or Not. ( FS10N)

GL A/c             400100                    Comp. Code:       PSL
F.Year                 2009                    Business Area:    PSLH
Select Execute Button   We can see that Ledger is not updated

3 Sending Message to Senior for Releasing Parked Document
Menu-----> System-----> Short message
Title: Please Release Document # 3

Rece:         Enter User Id of Sr. Person
Rec. Type: SAP Log On Name
Select Express Mail Check Box to show Message to Sr. Person that Message Received
Select Send Button

4 Display Parked Document and Release after correcions:
PATH:    Accounting---->Financial Accounting---->General Ledger--->Document---->
Park Documents---->Post/Delet ( FBV0)
Select Documents List Button
Company Code:          PSL
Entered by:                 Use id of Cashier                    Press Execute Button
Double Click on Document# 3

To Change the Date  click on Document Header Button( Shift + F7)
Change the Document Date and posting date                                                                       
Select  Back arrow

To change the Head of Account, select Fast Data Entry Button
Change Dr. Account Number to 400300 ( Rent A/c) and Amount to 600 for Debit
and Credit Amounts.-----> Save---> We get a message  Document was Posted.

5 Display G L A/c to check wether Ledgers updated or Not. (FS10N)

GL A/c       400300                                   Comp. Code:           PSL
F.Year       2009                                          Business Area:     PSLH
Select Execute Button   We can see that Ledger is updated with 600 not 1111.

6 Message to Cashier regarding the Releasing of Document by Sr. Person

Menu-----> System-----> Short message
Title: Released Document # 3 with changes

Rece:         Enter User Id of Cashier
Rec. Type: SAP Log On Name
Select Express Mail Check Box to show Message to Sr. Person that Message Received
            Select Send Button

7 Display changes made by Senior Person in Parked Document for Cashier
PATH:Accounting---->FinancialAccounting----->GeneralLedger----->Documents----->Parked Documents----->Display Changes( FBV5)
Company Code:          PSL
Document No:                              3
Fiscal Year:                             2009
Select all changes button ( F6) to see changes made by senior for parked document.

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