Saturday, September 14, 2013

Creating customer specific functions for HR payroll training materials

Creating Customer Specific Functions for HR Payroll

During the execution of payroll, 'Personnel Calculation Schema' (created using Transaction: PE01) is used to calculate the employee's salary. The schema comprises of functions (created using Transaction: PE04), in order to incorporate customer specific calculation routines during execution of payroll, SAP allows you to create payroll functions in customer namespace (Starting from Y or Z).

Step by Step creation of SAP Payroll Functions:

1) Follow the menu path
   Human Resources>>Time Management>>Administration>>Tools>>Functions/Operations
   or transaction PE04. Enter a four digit name for e.g ZIABC, and press the create
   button, enter the description. On creation the system proposes the name of
   the routine use it, or enter a name of your choice by selecting the option 'Self-defined'.

2) During the execution of payroll some tables are filled with wage types and there amounts
   to make these tables available to your routine enter the name of the table for e.g (RT or
   CRT) in the input parameters, and to make the changes done to the data in the tables
   avaiable to the payroll enter the name of the table in the Output parameters as well.
   Input Parameters
   Ctry                                         Num     Object Name
   99                                           1       RT
   99                                           2       CRT
  and same shall be done in the Output Parameters if required.

3) Create an include in the program PCBURZ990 (using Transaction:
SE38), in which create a subroutine with the name supplied by SAP or the
name selected by you during Function creation,
in our case, it is FUZIABC.
Note: The program PCBURZ990 is in SAP Namespace, so an Access Key
will be required before you can proceed. But it will not be overwritten during any upgrade.
*Example of the subroutine

*enter the code 

4) After this activate the program the Function and add it in the schema used for payroll processing. 

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