Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Define Contingent Manpower

Of late the use of the words ‘contingent manpower’ has increased in the context of manpower requirement of organizations? Explain.

Globally, contingency manpower has become an accepted concept and is here to stay.
Instead of going in for permanent employees organizations have started going for contingent work force-a just in time workforce for blue collar jobs as well as managerial positions demanding specialized skills for a finite period of time paying a premium for them. The power of the temporaries is on the rise alongside outsourcing movement that has gathered lots of momentum. Not only organizations but also highly qualified professionals prefer to remain freelance players, as they do not want to be employed by a particular company. These high-strung individuals derive their motivation from challenging assignments and link themselves with assignments, which contains lot of intrinsic worth. Moreover with unique talent and high earning ability these individuals prefer to move away from the rigidity of a regular job so as to spend more time with their families. In India also the concept of contingent manpower is spreading its tentacles helping organizations in downsizing costs.

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