Friday, September 6, 2013


In Normal Accounting all entries are made by Accounts Persons. So Voucher Number will be contineous.

in SAP                                         Store Person                 A/c Person          Sales Person
at Factory                      at City Office       at Branch

Purchase Voucher                                            1
Payment Voucher                                                                                 2
Sales Voucher                                                                                                                   3
Receipt Voucher                                                                                   4
In the above example , Voucher Number is contineously coming for all the departments. So, which document raised in Which Department or How many Documents raised in One Department is not able to get. To Get document number contineously SAP has given Document Types

Document Type                                     RE                         SA                RV
                                                         Purchase)             (Gen.Ledger)      (Sales)

Number Range                                      02                       01                         03

Number Range Interval                 100001 to                  1 to                        200001 to
                                                         200000                   100000                    300000
If we give the Document Numbe Range like above, we will get Document Number
Contineously in Department wise. So, by seeing the Document number itself we can say in which department the Document is generated.
If in any year, 100000 documents are consumed for SA, System will warn with Error Message when we post a new document of SA. At that time we have to give available Number range to the Number Range Interval.  In the above example , availabel Numbe is from 300001 to 400000

PATH:    SPRO---->Financial Accounting---->Financial Accounting Global Settings---->
Document----> Document Header---->Define Document Types ( Select IMG activity Button TC=OBA7).

Select Position Button.

Document Type--------->     SA   
Press Enter

Select Details Button ( Ctrl+Shift+F2)
Select Number Range---->  01
Select Number Range Information Button
Company Code ------->PSL
Select Change Interval Button→→Select Interval Button

Number Range             →→             01
Year                            →→             2009
From Number              →→             1
To Number                  →→             100000
Current Number            →→             0
External Chk Box         →→        De select it              
Press Enter
Select Save or CTRL+S
Ignore Warning Message          
Press Enter
Number Range Interval cannot be transported to Production Client . Reasons:-

1.  Consultant is outsider. He does not know how many Docs. are required for each type.
2.  All the Deparment pepole want to have the number range from 1 to 100000 which is not possible in practical.

IN live environment before going to live Production Clients all Department Heads will sit together and decide the Document Numbering.
What ever we have given in Client 800 are applicable only for Development Client for testing of documents.

Why to De-select External Check Box: If we select the External Check Box, at the time of
Posting end user has to give the Document Number manually.  If we deselct, System will
generate Numbering automatically.

For Documents Numbering SAP has given 2 Options.
Option 1                                                                     Option 2
Year Specific                Numbers used                Year Specific                        Numbers used
01-2008-1-100000           49000                             01-9999-1-100000                   50000
01-2009-1-100000          1000

Posting the Document::
A) Entry Date            11.07.2009
Posting Date             11.07.2009
Document Number      1001                                                                                    50001

B) Entry Date           11.07.2009
Posting Date            31.03.2009
Document Number    49001                                                                                     50002

In Option 1, last number in 2008 is 49000 and in 2009 is 1000. When we posted document on 11.07.2009 for the date of Posting 11.07.2009 ( FY2009) New Document Number will be 1001. If we post the document on 11.07.2009 for Posting Date 31.03.2009, New document
number will be the next number of last years last number i.e, 49001 only, but not 1001.

In option number 2, Contineous numbering is there ,whenever we posted the document and
for which Fiscal Year It may relate to . So , in practical, it is difficult to maintain which
document relates to which Fiscal Year.  Hence Most of Companies will choose OPTION-1.

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