Saturday, September 14, 2013

Documenting HR rules and sachems in hr payrolls training materials

Documenting HR Rules And Schemas 

What are your top tips for documenting your rules and schemas?  It is known that the quickest way to find out how a schema works is to run payroll and look at it, but we are required to document our existing schema. Report RPDASC00 can produce a file that contains every schema step and the contents of every rule.  And that RPUSCC00 can compare a customer schema to a SAP schema and show the changes.  Any better ideas for creating documentation of the contents of your own schema and rules?
I do something like this.  Every time I create a Z sub schema or rule I document it, rationale etc.
The following is taken from my current project (6 weeks till go-live!) - I know its extreme amount of work, but has saved my bacon more than once when I wanted to check something I did at another customer XX years prior... and has left customers with a nice warm feeling.
1.1 Payroll Australia – Convert HR-PS Annual Salary to Fortnightly Salary
Configuration System Reference IMG Task: Convert HR-PS Annual Salary to Fortnightly Salary
IMG Menu Path: N/A
SAP Transaction Name and Code: PE01 to maintain schema ZPS0 and ZUP0 , PE02 to maintain payroll rule ZU13, ZU10
Object ID: Schema ZPS0 , ZUP0 , Rule ZU10 Create Fortnightly salary, Rule ZU13 Convert from annual to Fortnightly amount.
Modify schema to call custom payroll rules and modify rules to use Post wage types instead of SAP HR-PS model wage types.
Schema ZUP0, Rule ZU13, ZU10
1.1 Rationale
Configuration / Change Rationale: All <client> paid employees (Casual, Fixed Term, Permanent, Award, Contract Staff) have an annual salary defined which will be recorded on Basic Pay. No employees have hourly rates, weekly wages or fortnightly/monthly amounts stored. Period salary is derived from the Annual Salary using the calculation Fortnightly Salary = Annual Salary * 12/313. Rule ZU13 performs this calculation and 4 decimals are used to ensure accurate calculations.
1.2 Configuration Steps
Schema Changes
Schema AUP0 copied to schema ZUP0. Modify schema ZPS0 to call ZUP0 instead of AUP0.
COM ************************************
COM Payroll schema: Public Sector Standa
COM ************************************
COPY QIN0 * Initialization of payroll
COPY ZIN0 <Client>:Initialization of payroll
COPY AUBD * AU-PS: Edit basic data
COPY ZUBD <Client>:AU-PS: Edit basic data
COPY QRET Load up any retro recalc values requ
COPY QLR0 Import last payroll result
COPY AUHC * AU-PS: Higher Duty Allowance
COPY ZUHC <Client>:AU-PS: Higher Duty Allowance
COPY AUP0 * Convert annual salary to fortnightly
COPY ZUP0 <Client>:Convert annual salary to fort s
COPY AUQT * AU-PS: Gross remuneration (time mg)
COPY ZUQT <Client>:AU-PS: Gross remuneration (time
COPY XTBS Save tables for iteration
Rule AU13 copied to ZU13, AU10 to ZU10.
SAP Rule SAP HR-PS Rule <Client> Z*** Name Description Changes required
AU13 ZU13 Convert annual salary into fortnightly Use <Client> wage types instead of SAP Model wagetypes
AU10 ZU10 Create wage type into IT Use <Client> wage types instead of SAP Model wagetypes
Modify schema ZUP0 to call Post rule ZU13 instead of AU13 and rule ZU10 instead of AU10.
COM ***************************************
BLOCK BEG Convert annual salary to fortnightly sal
COM ***************************************
PIT AURD GEN NOAB * Rounding factor from T511K
PIT AU10 GEN NOAB * Create wage type into IT
PIT ZU10 NOAB <Client>:Create wage type into IT
PIT AU13 GEN NOAB * Convert annual salary into fortnightly
PIT ZU13 P01 <Client>:Convert annual salary into fort
PIT ZU14 P01 NOAB <Client>:Part Timers
Modify Rule ZU10 to create the fortnightly wage type 1010 from the Annual Salary wage type 1000 and to generate Higher Duty Salary 1210 from standard /3H3.
PCR Wage Type Cont. Decision Oper 1 Oper 2 Oper 3 Oper 4
* 1000 D ADDWT 1010
* /3H3 ADDWT 1210
Modify Rule ZU13 to convert the fortnightly salary wage types (which will be on the Basic Pay infotype) from the annual amounts to fortnightly amounts. This rule will also convert all rates and amounts to 4 decimals (AUD4) if they are in AUD. PCL 01 will set which wage types are converted from yearly to fortnightly amounts.

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