Saturday, September 14, 2013

Explanation on deduction rules in hr payrolls training materials

Explanation on Deduction Rules

Deduction Rules rules according to which attendances and absences are to be deducted from the attendance/absence quotas.

EXAMPLE:   Total Absence Quota is 20 , in that 20, 
Casual leave -05, Sick Leave-10, Privilege Leave-05
Now when the Employee applies for leave, which of these leave will come to picture FIRST i.e the deduction sequence from absence quotas is determined through deduction rules. Whether first it will be deducted from PL , OR CL OR SL
Sequence in which attendance and absence has to be deducted from Attendance and absence quota is based on the following criteria:

1. Attendance/absence quota types
2. Start and end of validity period of the quotas-Until which date the quota is valid
3. Start or end of quota deduction period PERIOD IN A YEAR IN WHICH QUOTA DEDUCTION IS POSSIBLE

Deduction Priority:
Here you enter the criteria, according to which sequence the system should sort existing employee quotas to make them available for deduction. You can enter the priority levels 1 to 5 for the criteria quota type, start of validity period, end of validity period, start of deduction period and end of deduction period                          

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