Friday, September 6, 2013


At the time of Posting in all Screens, we get around 70 Fields for Debit and 70 for Credit.
so For any Document  we have                                                         Debit        70 Fields
                                                                                 Credit             70 Fields
                                                                                 Total              140 Fields
If we start entering all the 140 fields , it takes so much time to post a document. So SAP
has given a chance to make any field
                                            Suppress    (or)     Required           (or)       Optional
When We select Supress          →→    Field will not be visible on Screen at the tiem of Posting

When We select Required        →→  Field will appear with ? Or  √  Mark. Without
                                                        entering data in the field , we can not go to next field

When We select Optional        →→   Field will appear on Screen, but it is our choice to
                                                        enter the data or not
Field selection is not commone to all accounts. It varies Account to Account. So For Purchase accounts/ Sales Accounts Field "Qty" is required but Not for Equity Share Capital Account. If we have 1000 Accounts in Chart of accounts, We have to create 1000 Scenarios for each account separately. This is very difficult in Practical. To overcome this problem, SAP has given Shortcut method called " Field Status Group"

A) For Field Status Groups we specify which field is Required/Optional/Suppress.
B) Field Status Groups will be created under Field Status Variant ( F St.V) and Field Status Variant will be assaigned to Company Codes.
C) In Account Creation  we specify Field Status Group
D) At the time of Posting, when user give the Account #, the Screen will appear based on Field Selection to the Field Status Group which is specified in Account.
SAP has given 4 Common Groups.
1. General       2. Material Accounts       3. Bank Accounts                                        4. Cost Accounts

Accounts            Field St.Group         Field                  Supress                   Required                        Optional
Sales/ Purchase   Material A/c            Qty                         --               √                      --
Equity Share
Capital                   General                Qty                          √              --                      --

As an Example we are going to Create Accounts and Post:

                 Cash Account  Dr.
                           ↓                                             Equity Share Capital A/c  Cr.
                           ↓                                                                       ↓
                           ↓                                                                       ↓
                Bank Accounts                                                       General Accounts
                          ↓                                                                        ↓
                          ↓                                                                        ↓
Text         Business         Value                                               Text           Business
Field         Area                Date                                                  Field          Area                      

For the above acounts , we make the above fields are as Compulsory ( REQUIRED) wether client inform to make them compulsory or not . Other fields are based on client information.
PATH: SPRO---->Financial Accounting---->Financial A/c. Global Settings---->Document--> Line Item---->Control---->Define Field Status Variants
Select Field Status Variant===> 1000 IDSE Group----> Select Copy As Button ( F6)
Change the Field Status Variant to "PSL"
Change the Field Status Name to " Field Status Variant for PSL".  Press Enter
Select Copy all Button                  to copy all 47 Groups
We will get a Message              No. of Dependent Entries Copied       47
Press Save Button or CTRL+S----> Press Enter to save our Request.
Select FstV= PSL             Double Click on --> Field Status Group Folder
Double Click on FstGroup=G001----> General (With Text, allocation)
Double Click on  "General Data"                   Make " Text" Field as Required Entry.
Select Next Group Button on Left Top ( Shift+F6)
Select Next Page or Page down Button 2
Mark "Business Area" as "Required Entry filed. ----> Select Save Button.
Double Click on Fst Group G005= Bank Account(Obligatory, Value Date) Double Click on General Data----> Make Text as Required Entry
Select Next Group Button
Select Next Page Button or Page Down 2 times Mark Business Area as Required Entry Field.

Select Next Group Button 2 times
Mark Value Date as Required Entry Field Select Save or CTRL+S

Value Date means Effective Date.  Suppose if we took a Loan from IDBI on 11.07.09 Cheque Date of IDBI is 11.07.2009.
On 13.07.2009 we are postin the document and depositing the cheque in Bank. At the time of Posting
Document Date------->  13.07.09           Once date is entered in Document Dated
Posting Date----------->  13.07.09           and Posting Dated column, it can not be modifiable. We have to reverse the entry only.

IDBI Calculate Interest from 11.07.2009, whereas SAP will calculate interest from
13.07.2009 as posting date is 13.07.2009.  So In interest amount , there will be a difference between IDBI and Systems calculation.  To overcome this problem, SAP has given Effective Date i.e, Value Date ( in SAP Terminalogy) . IF we select the Value Date option Compulsory and enter it at the time of posting. SAP will calculate interest from Value Date entry.  Value date can be modifiable if
necessary but not Document Date or Posting Date.

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