Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hold Loan Deduction for a specific period in hr payrolls training materials

Hold Loan Deduction for a Specific Period 

If an employee has a loan and he can't pay for a specific month. How can I stop loan deduction for that month?
You would do as follows:
SPRO->PA->Payroll data->Recurring payments and deductions-> Wage types-> Create wage types catalog

Select Delete (don't worry you won't delete).
Select your loan under Wage type column, uncheck Test run, and at the bottom of the screen, you would select the radio button: Limit Wage type acc to time until (enter the date you want it to be delimited here).
Then highlight your loan and press delete (don't worry, it won't delete, but will give an end date).
You will see message that it has been updated in all the wage type tables etc such as:
T511, T512W, T512Z etc.
Now go to check wage type text and you will see loan has an end date of ....what was entered above.
Now go to Check entry permissibility per info type and you will see wage type has an end date. You don't need to do anything, these are just checks.
Then go to Check Define wage type permissibility for each PS and ESG you will see: loan has a delimit date.
Now go to Check Wage type characteristics, you will see: loan has a delimit date.
Now in PA30 if you try to create info type 14 with a start date later than the delimit date, it will not be available.  That will be your test that it is no longer available.
When you want to make it available again, I think you would just need to copy it in the first step with start date of what you want and end date of 12/31/9999.
I have delimited a loan successfully and it works.

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