Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kelkar Commission Report

Tell us something about Kelkar Commission Report.

The Kelkar Commission Report recommended on simplification of procedures for business transactions with respect to direct and indirect taxes reformation. The report focuses on improving the velocity of doing business in India, to create a hassle-free environment with minimal transactions and minimal human interface. On the front of direct taxes, report mentions removal of exemptions under I ONI OB for exports earnings for units under EOUs/EPZs and tax holiday under 80 IA and 80 ill; disallowance of interest cost on borrowings; restricting depreciation claim to the Companies Act only; withdrawal of tax concessions under Section 35 for investment for Scientific and Research purposes etc.

On the front of indirect taxes, the report mentions of a two-tier duty structure for customs, 10% for input components and 20% for finished goods.

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