Saturday, September 14, 2013

medical statistics, reports of medical statistics in sap hr

Medical Statistics and Medical Certificate 

Where to extract the monthly reports of the medical statistics for all employees?
All medical related data is available in Infotype 0028, Use Subtypes for identification purpose :
HR Master Record: Infotype 0028 (Int. Medical Service)
Table PA0028
0001 General data
0002 Habits
0003 Dermatological exam
0004 Reproductive organs and urinalysis
0005 Endocrinological exam
0006 Digestive tract
0007 Mobility
0008 Blood circulation
0009 Respiratory system
0010 Ear examination - noise
0011 Hearing test
0012 Nervous system
0013 Vision
0014 Systematic illnesses
0020 Consultation hours
0030 Occupational accidents and illnesses
0031 Occupational accidents and illnesses
0040 Accidents and illnesses
0050 Attendance
0100 Legal considerations
Use Results
01 Fit for work
02 Unable to work
03 Deceased
04 Convalescent
05 Without after-effect
How is this Medical certificate linked to HR data?
Medical certificate can be printed from the Medical service. Tcodes for the same could be :
EHSAMBTAET - Edit Medical Services
EHSSERV - Overview Medical Services
Medical certificate can be generated for the closed medical service.
Medical service and hence medical certificate can be printed for a Person and also Employee address is mentioned on Medical certificate. This is maintained using personnel area and personnel sub area of HR modules. This is how it is integrated with HR module.

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