Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nominal Accounts. Nominal Accounts Examples

Nominal Accountants:  

                       Accounts dealing with expenses, losses, gains and incomes are called nominal accountants.
                  Eg:  Salaries, rents, Commission etc..,  

             When the firm receives benefit            Debit
             When the firm gives benefit              Credit
                        (Debit all losses and expenses)
                        (Credit all gains and incomes)


      Dr                           Account                         Cr

Nominal Accounts:

a) Paid wages Rs.10000
            Wages a/c ….Dr
                To Cash a/c……..Cr

b) Received Commission Rs.430
             Cash a/c……..Dr
                 To Commission a/c…….Cr

c) Received Interest Rs.600
    This transaction is influenced by Real & Nominal a/c’s
              Cash a/c ……..Dr
                 To Commission a/c ……..Cr    

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