Friday, September 6, 2013


Path: Accounting---->Financial Accounting---->General Ledger Accounting ---->Posting--->General Posting(TC=F02)
On screen we get a window For Posting Document

Document Date:  Normally Document Date and Posting Date will be same. IN case
of Purchases i.e., Document Date will be the Party's Bill Date.  For Date we can enter
like 16.07.2009 ( or ) Press F4 to get the calendar and select the date (or) press F2
for current date.
Posting Date: Posting Date comes automatically from Server. Ledger update will be
based on Posting Date.  Period comes automatically based on the date of posting.
Document Number:   IN Document Types and No Ranges we deselected Ext. Chk Box. So Document Number will come automatically after saving the document. If Ext. Chk Box is selected Document Number should be given by User.

Reference : Party Bill Number in case of Purchases.
Document Date -  16.07.09                 Type - SA                      Comp. Code-PSL
Posting Date   - 16.07.09                   Currency-INR

SAP has given to differentiate between Debit and Credit 2 Different Posting Keys.

Posting Key           40 for G/L Debit
Posting Key           50 for G/L Credit
for Debit :
Select Position Key     40        A/c #                 200100                      Press Enter

Amount              400000 INR
Business Area    PSLH

Text           - Equity Share Capital Receipt
for Credit :

Select Position Key       50      A/c #                    100000                      Press Enter

Amount                  *  INR           for Copying amount from Debit entry
Business Area        PSLH                  
Text                                 +               To get the last Text Entry

From Menu---->Document--->Simulate(Shift+F9) to post the Document
Debit amount will be posted without any Symbol
Credit Amount will be posted with "- " Symbol
Select Save or Ctrl+S. We will get a message "Document 1 was posted in Company Code PSL"
How to View the Latest Posted Document:
Menu---->Document---->Display---->Select Display Document Header(F5)

How to Change the Document:
PATH: Accounting---->Financial Accounting---->GL Accounting---->Document---->
Change ( TC=FB-02)
Document #1          Enter
Comp. Code         PSL        Double Click on 1st line item ( Cash Account)
Fiscal Year         2009
**** We can change Value Date, Assaignment Numb, Text Fields only, but not other ****
Display Document:  Accounting----> Financial A/c---->GL A/c---->Document--->Display (TC=FB03) Select Document List Button

Company Code    PSL         Type- SA                 Select Execute Button or F8
To Give Last One Week Posted Documents List:
Entry Date    10.07.09        To Date  17.08.09
Select Execute Button or F8

To View Documents Posted by a Specific User:
Menu---->Edit---->Dynamic Selection( Shift+F4)
User Name - SAPUSER                                       Select Execute Button or F8
Display Document #1.

To Display Account Blanace :
Accounting----> Financial Accountin----> GL A/C---> Display Balance(TC=FS10N)

To View Number of Accounts at a time:
Select Right Arrow ( Multiple Selection) Button beside GL Account.

To View Random A/c Transactions:
Under Single Value  give account Numbers 100100, 200100 and select copy as ( F8)

To View Contineous Transactions ( Range of A/c)
           Press " Select Intervals" Tab and give
            Lower Limit              Upper Limit
           100000                     100099

To Exclude One account from the Range:
Select                Exclude Single Values tab
Under Single Value give A/c # 100500.  It will not come in the list
Select Copy Button.

To Exclude a Range of accounts from Range of accounts Display:   Select Interval Tab
Lower Limit                   Upper Limit
100050                          100059                           Select Copy Button

To View only one A/c Transactions:  Select Drop down button beside GL A/c
Comp Code- PSL            Enter           Select A/c # 100000 Eq. Share Capital
Comp Code- PSL       Select Execute Button
Fiscal Year- 2009
Business Area- PSLH
DoubleClick on Cum.Balance 400000
Double Click on Document# 1
Select call up document overview button (F9)   Select Back Arrow

How to Creat our own Line Layout:
Select  Change Layout Button. Select the Fields which are not required under Column Content. Ex. Document Type and Document Date
Select Right Arrow ( or) Hide Selected Field Button.

From Hidden Fields Column----> Select  1) Posting Date  2) Select Text Select Left Arrow (or) show selected fields button.

Change Column Positions                                                         Length
Document #                                                                1
Posting Date                                                               2
Text                                                                            3                35
Amount in Local                                                          4         Select Totals CheckBox for Amount in Local Currency
Select copy Button

How to save the Layout:
Select Save Layout Button ( Ctrl + F12). There are 2 options for saving layout

Option 1                                                                        Option 2
User Specific- Available to only                                Common to all users
Specific Users
A)  Select User Specific check Box                         A) Deselect User specific Check Box
B)  Save with any number or name                         B)  Save with any number or name
For our purpose, Select Option 2 and save  with PSL. Deselect the User specific Chk Box.
Description: GL A/c Standard for PSL  Enter. We can see Report in our Lay Out.

How to Choose our Layout: Press Select Layout  Button ( Ctrl + F9)
Select /PSL we can see Report in our Layout.
How to Make Default Line Layout: From Menu---->Select settings---->Layout--->
Administration Select /PSL Layout Check Box.
Select   Define Default Settings Button  SAVE.
Select ← 3 times          Change GL A/c to 200100   Cash Account
Select Execute Button . Double click on Cum.Bal 400000. We can see Report in
our layout

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