Friday, September 6, 2013

POSTING PERIODS or Defining Posting Period Variant in FICO

Here we define , which periods are to be open for posting purpose.
In all other Softwares, Closing of the period is there. Once we selected closing the periods, end user cannot enter any documents before to that period. But in SAP Open period is there. If we open period for entering documents, the periods before to that and after that periods, end user is not able to enter any document. Once we open the period, automatically
other periods will be closed. We can enter any document between the dates of the open periods only.

For example, if we declared profitability upto June'09 and we want to open periods from July '09 to March'2010. In SAP we call it as  4.2009 to 12.2009.

For Opening and Closing of periods we have 2 options in SAP which is explained below
Options                                                                Company Codes
                                                                         PSL                    PCL                      PIL
Option 1.
All the Company codes will
open and close periods at the
same time and same period
there are 3 steps in opeing &
closing of periods.
A)    Define Posting Period Variant
"X" to PP Variant option
B) Assaign Company code to                        X to PSL             X to PCL                 X to PIL
PP Variant
C) Define Open and Closing
periods for Variant

Practically this option is not possible as all the company codes are not able to close books at the same time. For that purpose SAP has given Option # 2.

                                                                         PSL                        PCL               PIL
Option 2
A) Define Posting Period Variant
to PP Variant option                                            X                       Y                          Z
B) Assaign Company code to                       X to PSL              Y to PCL              Z to PIL
PP Variant
C) Define Open and Closing
periods for Variant

For "X"-- July'09 to March'10               4.2009 to

For "Y"-- Apr'09 to March'10                                                   1.2009 to

For "Z"-- June'09 to July'09                                                                                   3.2009 to

Defining Posting Period Variant:
PATH: SPRO--->Financial Accounting--->Fin A/c Global Settings-- >DocumentPosting Periods---> Define Variants Open posting periods----> Select New Entries Button
Variant                      Name
PSL                          Posting Period Variant for PSL                                        
Select Save Button or  CTRL+S

Press Enter to save your request.

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