Saturday, September 7, 2013



We have two types of interest calculations in SAP.

Type 1
Type 2
Balance Interest Calculations
Defined as Type "S"
Used for General Ledger A/c
Item Interest Calculation
Defined as Type "P"
Used for Vendors/ Customers

Type 1:   Balance Interest Calculations

Step1.  Define Interest Calculation Type

PATH:     SPRO---->Financial Accounts---->General Ledger A/c----> Business Transactions Bank Interest Calculations---->Interest Calculations Global Settings---->Define Interest Calculation Type.
Select New Entries Button
Int. Indicator           Name                Int. Calculation Type

P1                      10% Monthly         S( Balance Interest Calculation)

SAVE                →     ENTER to save in your request.
Step2.  Prepare A/c Balance Interest Calculation
PATH:     Next step to last path ( TC=OBAA) Select New Entries Button
Int. Cal Indicator           P1
                                          Int. Cal Frequency     01       ( 1 Month)   Under Period Determination
                                          Calender Tyep         G
Select Balance Interest Check Box under Output Section
SAVE                →     ENTER to save in your request.
Step3.  Define Reference Interest Rates
 For Example there is  SBI Term Loan which was take on 15.4.2009 for Rs. 100000.
ON 15.07.2009 we repaid 1st Installment of Rs. 10,000
Interest Calculation for the Whole year:
Method 1.                                                                                                                     Aprox.
On 100000 from 15.04.09 to 31.03.10 @ 10%                                                15000
On paid 10000 from 15.07.09 to 31.03.10 @ 10%                                           -3000
Balance Interest Payable                                                                 12000

                           Method 2.
On 100000 from 15.04.09 to 15.07.09 @ 10%                                                 4000
On 90000 from 15.07.09 to 31.03.10 @ 10%                                                   8000
Balance Interest Payable                                                                 12000

In Both the Methods Interest Rate will be Same.

In the above Example the Rate of Interest  we are paying interest on Loan taken from SBI and the Rate of Interest we are received from SBI on amout repaid to Bank  are same.
i.e, Interest Charged by Bank                              10%
Interest Given by Bank                                        10%

If both are Different ie., When Loan acount is having Credit Balance              10%
When Loan account is having Debit Balance                                                    8%

We have to define Reference Indicators for Inerest.
P2 for A/c having Credit Balance                         10%
P3 for A/c having Debit Balance                           8%

Following are Steps to follow for Interest Calculation under Type I
1 Interest rates are given to Reference Interest Rates- for P2 -10% & for P3-8%
2 Reference Interest Rates are assaigned to Accounts
P2 to Accounts having Credit Balances
P3 to Accounts having Debit  Balances
3 Accounts having Credit Balance and Accounts Having Debit Balance are assaigned to interest indicators
4 Interest Indicator will be specified in Loan Account.

Step 1. Define Interest Rates:
PATH:SPRO---->Financial Accounting--->Gen Ledger a/c--->Business Transactions----> Bank A/c Interest Calculation--->Interest Calculation---->Reference Int. Rates(OBAC)        
Select New Entries Button

Ref. Interest Rate:        P2
Long Text Int:              10% A/c Having Credit Balance
Description :                10% Accounts Credit Balance
Date From:                  01.04.09
Currency:                     INR
Select Save or Ctrl +S----->              press Enter to Save in your request.

Select New Entries Button
Ref. Interest Rate:        P3
Long Text Int:              8% A/c Having Debit Balance
Description :                8% Accounts Debit Balance
Date From:                  01.04.09
Currency:                     INR
Select Save or Ctrl +S----->              press Enter to Save in your request.

Define Time Dependent Terms:  Same Path ( Next Line to Last Path)
Select New Entries Button                              1
Int. Cal Indicator           P1
Currency Key               INR
Effective From            01.04.09
Sequential No                               1
Term                           Select Cr. Interest : Balance Interest Calculation
Ref. Int. Rate               P2
Select Save or Ctrl +S----->              press Enter to Save in your request.

Select New Entries Button
Int. Cal Indicator           P1
Currency Key               INR
Effective From            01.04.09
Sequential No                               2
Term                           Select Dr. Interest : Balance Interest Calculation
Ref. Int. Rate               P3
Select Save or Ctrl +S----->              press Enter to Save in your request.

Enter Interest Values:                                                             
Same Path ( next line to last path) ( TC=OB83)
Select New Entries Button
Reference Interest  Rate                                   P2                          P3
Valid From                                                   01.04.09                 01.04.09
Interest Rate                                                   10%                        8%

Select Save or Ctrl +S----->        press Enter to Save in your request
Step 2. Creation of GL Masters: ( FS00)
As we have not created GL Masters for SBI Term Loan and Interest Account , we have to create now. Before Creating the GL Master check the Available A/c Nos in OBD 4 and see the Number Ranges for Account Groups. Select the  available Account Number from that Range

GL Master                                    A/c Group                           A/c No
SBI Rupee Term loan A/c          Secured Loans                        100300
Interest Account                          Interest Group                      400400

1st A/c
GL A/c# 100300 Comp.Code: PSL                  F.Year:                2009
Select With Template Button
GL A/c#                               100000
Comp.Code:                      PSL                        Press Enter

Select        Type/ Description           Tab
Change Account Group  to Secured Loans
Change Short Text & Long Text  to SBI Rupee Term Loan
Select        Create/Bank/Interest                        Tab

Change Field Status Group to G005
Int. Indicator                                    P1                →  SAVE

2nd A/c
GL A/c# 400400                Comp.Code: PSL     F.Year:                2009
Select With Template Button
GL A/c#                               400300
Comp.Code:                      PSL                        Press Enter

Select        Type/ Description           Tab
Change Account Group  to Interest
Change Short Text & Long Text  to Interest Account →   SAVE

Step 3. Assaignment of Accounts for Automatic Postings:

PATH:    SPRO---->Financial Accounting--->General Ledger Accounting---->Business Transactions
--->Bank A/c Interest Calculation--->Interest Posting--->Prepare GL A/c Balance Interest Calculation
( OBV2)

Select                         Symbols  Button ( F8)
Select                         A/c. Buttons
Chart of Accounts:       PSL                                 →  ENTER
A/c Symbol                 002 (Interest Paid)    Currency  INR
GL A/c                                 400400
A/c Symbol       2000  ( GL A/c Paid)   Currency INR
GL A/c                        ++++++++++ ( 10 Times)
Save -----> Enter

Interest A/c Debit  002                                     Assaign to            400400
SBI Rupee Term Loan A/c      Credit    2000   Assaign to          100300
 If More than One Term Loan in Against 2000 '++++++++++ ( 10 Times)

We are giving + symbol 10 times as Max length of A/c Number would be 10 digits
But we are using 6 digits only. If at the time of Posting Cash A/c Dr and Equity
Share Capital Credit, system take Cash account as 0000200100 and Equity Share
Capital as 0000100000 and when we see it shows 200100 Dr and 100000 Cr
Suppose if we give 6 times + Symbol for SBI Rupee Term Loan . It takes 000010 which it cannot post.
100300 SBI Rupee Term Loan  A/c
100301 IDBI Rupee Term Loan  A/c
100302 IFCI Rupee Term Loan A/c
At the time of Interest Calculations, we have to specify for which Loan Account Interest to be calculated and when.
End User Area: To Open Posting Periods for April ( OB52) Select Positon Button
PP.Variant                               PSL
For Variant PSL                               From Period                         1
Save    Press Enter to save in your request.

Step 4     SBI Rupee Term Loan Receipt Entry ( F-02)
SBI has given Cheque Dated  15.04.09 but we deposited in on 17.04.09.
At the time of Posting
Document Date           17.04.09
Posting Date               17.04.09       Posting Date is not Modifiable once document posted

in this case, SBI Calculate Interest from 15.04.09  but SAP calculate Interest from 17.04.09. So to match the Interest, SAP Has given the option of Value Date.
Value date is 15.04.09.  So system will calculate interest from Value Date but not
from Posting Date.  Value date is modifiable after positng the document also.

F-02 ---->  Doc.Dt:      17.04.09                        Type :                 SA               Comp.Code:  PSL
Post.Dt:     17.04.09                  Currency :      INR
P.Key:                    40                     A/c No:   200100          →   ENTER
Amount            100000                    Business Area:   PSLH
Value Dt:    15.04.09                        Text: SBI Rupee Term Loan Receipt

P.Key:                    50                     A/c No:  100300           →   ENTER
Amount       *                                  Business Area:   PSLH
Value Dt:    15.04.09                        Text: +
Menu----> Document -----> Simulate and Save
Step 5    SBI Rupee Term Loan Repayment (F-02)
1st Installment Due Date  15.07.09
Doc.Dt:      13.07.09                        Type : SA            Comp.Code:  PSL
Post.Dt:     13.07.09      Currency :      INR
P.Key:                    40                     A/c No:  100300           →   ENTER
Amount              10000                    Business Area:   PSLH
Value Dt:    15.07.09                        Text: SBI Rupee Term Loan Payment

P.Key:                    50                     A/c No:  200100           →   ENTER
Amount       *                                  Business Area:   PSLH
Value Dt:    15.07.09                        Text: +
Menu----> Document -----> Simulate and Save
PATH:    Accounting---->Financial Accounting ---->General Ledger---->Periodic Processing---->Interest Calculations---->Balance Interest Calculation(F.52)
              GL A/c     100300    (SBI Rupee term loan)
                Comp. Code       PSL
                Cal.Period    01.04.09   to    31.03.2010
              Select Execute Button (F8)
We can see Interest Calculation, but we can not see Interest Line Item Wise To See Line Item Wise Interest  select Back Arrow and Choose Line Item Check Box and Execute (F8)
If we want to calculate interest in different rates i.e., from 1st June 2009 to Intereste is increased from 10% to 12%
From 15.04.09 to 31.05.09 on 100000 @ 10%
From 01.06.09 to 15.07.09 on 100000 @ 12%
From 15.07.09 to 31.03.10 on 90000 @ 12%

Open One more Session with SPRO:
Financial Accounting ----> GL A/c----->Business Transactions----> Bank A/c Interest Calculations
---->Interest Calculations----> Enter Interest Values (OB83)
Select New Entries Button
Ref. Interest Rate         P2
Valid From                  01.06.09
Inte. Rate                                    12 ----> Save ----> Enter Save in your request.

Come Back to 1st Session :  Select Execute Button . We can see New Interest Calculation on Screen with 10% and 12% rates.
Posting of Interest for One Month ( 01.04.09 to 30.04.09)
Select Back Arrow
Cal.Period         01.04.09 to 30.04.09
Post Interest Check Box                    √
Update Master Records                     √
Session Name                                 PSL
Posting to Buss Area                      PSLH
Posting Dt. Of Session                   30.04.09
Document Dt. Of Session                30.04.09
Posting Segment Text                     Interest of April 2009
Execute ( F8) it shows the interest amount calculated

To Post the Batch Input Session:
Menu----> System----> Services----> Batch Input ----> Session
Select Session Name                      PSL
Select Process Button
Select Display Errors Only Radio Button
Select Process Button ----> We will get a message that Batch Input Session
Select Exit Batch Input Session

To View Document Posted ( FB03):
We can see the Document latest posted

Go and see GL Master ( FS00):
GL A/c                                 100300    ( SBI Rupee Term Loan)
Comp.Code:                PSL
Menu----> GL A/c----> Change
Select        Create/Bank/Interest                        Tab

Key Date of Last Int. Cal 30.04.09     (Upto which date we have calculated interest)
Date of Last Run     31.07.09            (ON which date we have run the Interest Cal)

SAP Methods for Interest Calculation:

1 Simple Interest and Compound Interest
Simple Interest                                                           Compound Interest
15.04.09   SBI RT Loan     100000 Cr                           15.04.09        100000
For Symbol 2000 Assaign A/c # 100520                      30.04.09         438
Int Payable                                       Int. 438 Posted to 100300 on 30.04.09
For May It Calculate on 100000 only             For May it Calculates on 100438

2 Interest Rates Based on Slabs
If Interest Rate is varied from Amount to Amount this system is useful
for ex: on INR 30,000    Int. Rate 10%    P2
on 30001 to 50000         Int .Rate  12%   P4
In SPRO---> Define Time Dependent Terms---> Amount from 30001

3 Int. Calculation from 15.04.09 to 14.05.09 ( instead of 01.04.09 to 30.04.09) SPRO--->Prepare A/c Balance Interest Calculation ( OBAA)
Enter Settlement Day 14.

4 Interest Posting to Different Accounts:
A/c # 400400                                   Interest on SBI Rupee Term Loan
A/c # 400401                                   Interest on IDBI Rupee Term Loan
A/c # 400402                                   Interest on ICICI Rupee Term Loan
So If we are Calculating interest of IDBI Rupee term Loan For Symbol 0002 assaign A/c # 400401
In the Batch pocessing select Process Fore Ground Only
System Shows the Entry which is going to be posted

400400   Interest on SBI R.T Loan                                            438
100301 IDBI Term Loan                                                            438
Change A/c # 400400 to 400401

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