Saturday, September 7, 2013


When we post a Wrong Entry in SAP, we have to go for Reversal or pass a Rectification Entry. There are so many Types of Reversals allowed in SAP. They are

1 Individual Document Reversal
2 Reversal of Reversed Document ( Work Around Method -- Indirect Method)
3 Mass Reversal
4 Cleared Items Reversals
5 Accrual / Deferral Documents Reversal ( Topic covered at Month End Provisons)

Type 1:   Individual Document Reversal
A) Under This Method, we can reverse one document at a time
B)  At the time of Reversal we have to give the Reversal Reason .
C) At the time of Reversal , we have to specify Reversal Date. If we don’t specify reversal date, System will generate reversal Document on Original Document Posting Date. In that case, that Original Document Posting Period should be open at the time of reversing the document.

PATH:    Accounting ---->Financial accounting---->General Ledger---->Document---->
                Reverse---->Individual Reversal ( FB08)

                             Reversal of Document # 1

Documnt No :              1                  Comp Code:        PSL               F.Year          2009
Reversal Reason          01                 ( Reversal In Current Period)
Posting Date:              Blank
Select Display Before Reversal Button on Top
Select           ←       ( Back arrow)  and Select Save Button

To See the reversed Document :                       Menu---> Document----> Display
Reversed Document Type : AB

For General Ledger Postings Document Type is SA .  Eventhough Reversal Document is part of the GL Documents, System will specify automatically for Reversal Documents Type as AB. Why?
                                            Reversal Documents are  part of General Ledger Postings. If System generate
Document Type SA for reversal Document , as number will come in Serial either
for Normal Posting or for Reversal Postings. If I want to see only the Reversal
Documents it is not possible if it allots type SA for all Documents. To identify the
                                          Reversal Documents Separately System is allotting Type AB for reversal Documents.

Ex:                              Doc. No.      Type
1 SA             SA is for General Postings
2 SA              AB is for Reversal Documents.
3 SA
4 SA              Even though Document number is in
5 SA              Serial, we can identify the Reversed
6 SA               Documents with Document Type "AB"
7 AB               as shown in Example
8 AB
9 SA
                                                                            10 AB

Type 2:   Reversal of Reversed Document (F-02)
From Menu-----> Document ----> Post with reference
Doc #                     19                     Comp Code: PSL                    F.Year          2009
Select        Generate Reverse Posting Check Box
Select        Display Line Items Check Box                                                                → Press ENTER 2 Times
Text:          Change to Reversal of Document # 19                          →     ENTER
Text :         +                Enter , we can see the reversal of Reversed Document

SAVE        We get the message that Document was Saved.

Menu---> Document----> Display to see the Reversed Document.
Type 3:   Mass Reversal
To reverse more than one document at at time, we use Mass Reversal Method.
                The documents to be reversed can be contineous numbers or random numbers. PATH:    Accounting ---->Financial Acconting---->General Ledger---->Document---->
                Reverse----> Mass Reversal ( F.80)

Comp. Code: PSL           
To Reverse Random #, Select Right Arrow or Multiple Selection Button, beside Document No.
Under Single Values Give Document# 2 and Document# 4.  Select Copy Button
Reason for Reversal            01        ( Reversal in Current Period)
Select        Test Run   Check Box                      Select Execute Button ( F8)
Select Reverse Document Button
We will get message that Document number 2 and document numbe 4 reversed.

Type 4:   Cleared Items Reversal

Step 1 :   See Open Itemed Managed Account Transactions ( FBL3N)

GL A/c #                              100500    ( Outstanding Exp)
Comp. Code:               PSL
Select Cleared Items Radio Button                  Θ
Select  Noramal Items Check Box                    √            →     Select Execute Button (F8)

We can see the Cleared Items of A/c # 100500( Outstanding Expenses)
Suppose Document # 12 is for Rent Provison for 60000 and Document # 13 is
payment of 60000 agaisnt Document # 12.
Then O/S. Exp Account would be like
                                                      O/S. Exp A/c
Doc # 13                     60000 Dr.                                Doc # 12                  600000 Cr
in Cleared Items List                        Document # 12              60000 Cr
Document # 13              60000 Dr
Net payable         NIL

If we have given Stop Payment Letter to the Bank agaisnt the Document # 13, it
should be reversed  then Account will be
O/S. Exp A/c
Doc # 13                     60000 Dr.                                Doc # 12     600000 Cr
in Cleared Items List                        Document # 12  60000 Cr
System Shows that Document # 12 under Cleared List. When we have given stop
payment Letter to Bank  and reversed document# 13, then Document # 12 should
come under Open Item Category. To make this in SAP we have to follow 2 Steps
1. Reset Cleared Items- to make it as open. Then there will be no Link between
   Rent Outstanding and Bank
                 2.  Reverse Document # 13.
Checking : To See Open Item Managed Accounts ( FBL3N)

A/C #                                   100500
Comp.Code:                PSL
Select Open Items Radio Button                     Θ
Select  Noramal Items Check Box                    √            →     Select Execute Button (F8)
We can see that Document # 12 is appearing in Open Items List.

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