Sunday, September 15, 2013

SAP HR personnel management and Administration reports

Personnel Management Administration Reports

List of standard SAP HR reports for personnel management module:
S_PH0_48000450 - Date Monitoring
S_PH9_46000216 - Service Anniversaries
S_PH9_46000225 - Powers of Attorney
S_PH9_46000224 - Education and Training
S_PH9_46000223 - EEs Entered and Left
S_PH9_46000222 - Family Members
S_PH9_46000221 - Birthday List
S_PH9_46000220 - Vehicle Search List
S_AHR_61016354 - Telephone Directory
S_AHR_61016356 - Time Spent in Each Pay Scale Area/Type/Group/Level
S_AHR_61016357 - Defaults for Pay Scale Reclassification
S_AHR_61016358 - Reference Personnel Numbers
S_AHR_61016360 - HR Master Data Sheet
S_AHR_61016362 - Flexible Employee Data
S_AHR_61016369 - Employee List
S_AHR_61016370 - List of Maternity Data
S_AHR_61016359 - Severely Challenged
Organizational Entity
S_L9C_94000095 - Headcount Changes
S_AHR_61016373 - Headcount Development
S_AHR_61016374 - Nationalities
S_AHR_61016376 - Salary According to Seniority
S_AHR_61016378 - Assignment to Wage Level
S_PH9_46000218 - Statistics: Gender Sorted by Age
S_PH9_46000217 - Statistics: Gender Sorted by Seniority
Infotype Change
S_AHR_61016380 - Logged Changes in Infotype Data
Report Start
S_AHR_61016381 - Log of Report Starts

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