Wednesday, September 18, 2013

what is thomas profiling for personality

What is Thomas Profiling? 

Among the gamut of techniques that are supposed to ensure that the right person is hired for the job, Thomas International Profiling System is one. It facilitates best of the behavioral fit between person and the job. This technique was developed by the New York-based Thomas International Management Systems in 1945. Among its utilities are it creates a reliable picture of a candidate and provides insights into how an employee can be shaped after he joins. With an accuracy level of 85% global corporations extensively use this technique. This technique has the advantage of being modified to suit each company’s requirements as well as each employee’s career aspirations. Thomas Profiling
consists of two distinct components: -
The Personal Profile Analysis (PPA), which highlights the behavioral characteristics
of the applicant.
The Human Job Analysis (HJA), which identifies the behavioral requirements of the job.
On combining these two components the outcome is that it brings people and jobs together in a compatible match that produces optimum job satisfaction as well as maximum productivity.
This technique is available as a PC-based software and hence can provide an accurate analysis.

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