Saturday, September 7, 2013



There are 3 types of Exchange Rates defined by SAP
Type                                                          Purpsose              Type Defined by SAP
1 Bank Buying Rate                             Exports Purpose          G Type
2 Bank Selling                                     RateImports/ Exp         B Type
3 Average Rate                                  MM / SD users only       M Type

PATH:    SPRO---->Sap Net Weaver---->General Settings--->Currencies--->Check Exchange Rate Types    
Select Position Button
Exchange Rate Type                       B               →    ENTER
We will get the details of Exchange Rate Type B
Define Translation Ratios for Currency Translation:
Here we give Conversion Factors for 2 Currencies
Foreign Currency                        INR                JPY   →Japanees Yen
                                                                       GBP   →Great Britan Pound
US$ 1        :                                 1                  ITL     →Italian Leera
JPY 100     :                                 1
EUR 1        :                                 1                   We can give in SAP Like below
GBP 1        :                                 1                  JPY                      INR    Rate
ITL 1000     :                                 1                   100 ==                   1       35            ( OR)
                                                                                                                      1 ==                     0.01        0.35

Once we follow one Conversion Factor , follow contineously for all the years. Don’t Change in between. If we change in between, it gives wrong Results.

Conversion Factors are given at Client Level but not at Company Code Level.
PATH:    Same as above                                    
ignore the warning message and press Yes.
Select New Entries Button

Ex. Rate   From          To              Valid                               Ratio
Type                                           From                     From          :            To
G              US$           INR            01.07.09                     1 :         1
B              US$           INR            01.07.09                     1 :         1
M              US$           INR            01.07.09                     1 :         1                 
→     Save

Create Request Button
Short Description:      Foreign Exchange Customization for PSL
ENTER 2 times to save in  your request.

Enter Exchange Rates: This is called Forex Table.  We can enter Foreign Exchange
Rates Daily, Weekly, Monthly. For Each Type we can enter only one rate in a day.

PATH:    Same Path as above ( Next Step to last Path)

Ex.Rate    Valid          Indirect       From            Direct        To
Type         From          Quot                              Quot
G              10.07.09                      US$                  49.40     INR
B              10.07.09                      US$                  49.50     INR
M              10.07.09                      US$                  49.42     INR   
SAVE and press Enter to save in your request. Indirect Quot is for INR to US$ Rate .

Exchange Rate Entry at End User Area (S_BCE_68000174)
PATH: Accounting ---->Financial Accounting---->General Ledger---->Environment---->
Current Settings--->Enter Translation Rates
Select Positon Button
Ex.Rate Tyep               G
From Currency             US$
To Currency                 INR
Valid From                  10.07.09       →              ENTER

Foreign Currency Postings : There are two typs of options for Foreign currency postings.
OPTION -1                                                                       OPTION-2
When Exchange Rate is not entered                           When Exchange Rate is  entered
at the time of Posting the Document                            at the time of Posting the Document

In Option 1, system take the Ex. Rate                    Rates are entered by End User , but not
from Forex Table                                                     the System.

It takes the Latest Rate from Table
Ex.           on 09.07.09  Rate is 45
on 21.07.09 Rate is 49
If we want to enter document on 20.07.09, system will take the rate of 45 not 49
To Enter Default Exchange Rate type based on Document Type.
Doc.          Nature of Document                                 Type of
Type                                                                         Ex. Rate
SA             General Ledger Posting                            B
KR             FI Purchases                                            B
RE             MM Purchases                                         B
DR             FI Sales                                                   B
RV             SD Sales                                                 B
NOTE:   If we do not specify the Ex Rate Type , system will take automatically"M"( Average)
To Enter Default Ex. Rate Type "B"(Bank Selling Rate) for Document  "SA" (OBA7)
                                       GL Document----> Select Details Button
Under Default Values:
Ex Rate Type for foreign currency document    B"          
                        Select Save or Ctrl+S
                        Press Enter to Save in your Request.
Posting of Foreign Transactions ( F-02):
Doc.Date                                    23.07.09  Company Code:          PSL
                           Post Date                                23.07.09  Currency : USD    Rate   Blank
                        Document Type:                         SA
                          Post Key:            40        Account No: 400100 → ENTER
Amount               1000 USD            Amount in LC   Blank                    49.5
Bussiness Area:           PSLH
Text:          Salaries Postings

Post Key:               50                     Account No:                200100 →         ENTER
Amount      *                                   Bussiness Area:  PSLH
Text:          +               
Menu----> Document----> Simulate      and Save
To View Document in INR Select Display Currency Button(F8).  Select Save or Ctrl+S

Option 2  :When Exhange Rate is entered at the time of posting
Salaries Provison ( F-02)
Doc.Date                    23.07.09        Company Code: PSL
Post Date                    23.07.09        Currency : USD    Rate                            50.00
Document Type:          SA
Post Key:               40                     Account No: 400100 → ENTER
System will give warning message Ex. Rate 50.00 deviates from Table Rate 49.50 by 1.01% .  Ignore the warning message and Press ENTER
Amount               1000 USD
Bussiness Area:           PSLH
Text:          Salaries Postings           →              ENTER
Post Key:               50                     Account No: 200100 → ENTER
Amount        *                                 Bussiness Area:  PSLH
                                          Text:                     +
Menu----> Document----> Simulate          and SAVE

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