Saturday, September 7, 2013


Recurring Documents are used when date and amount are fixed.  
Ex: Prepaid Expenses / Hire Purchase Instalments.

Steps for Recurring Documents:
1 Define Number Range Interval for Number Range X1 ( For Recurring Document Template)
2 Creation of Recurring Document
3 Posting of Transactions by using Recurring Document Templates by the way of Batch input Session.

Step 1.    Define Number Range Interval for Number Range X1 ( FBN1)
Company Code:          PSL
Select Change Intervals Button -----> Select Intervals Button

No             Year           From No           To No
X1              2009          5100001           5200000          →                 ENTER
Ignore the Warning Message and press Enter

Step 2.    Creation of Recurring Document ( FBD1)
Accounting ----> Financial Accounting--->General Ledger--->Posting---> Reference Documents--->Recurring Document
Company Code:          PSL
First Run on :               31.07.09
Last Run on :               30.06.10
Interval in Months:        01                for Monthly
Document Type:          SA
Post Key:               40                     Account No:400300 →  ENTER
Amount              10000                    Bussiness Area:  PSLH
Text:          Recurring Area Testing

Post Key:               50                     Account No:200100 →  ENTER
Amount      *                                   Bussiness Area:  PSLH
Text:          +               
Select Display Document Overview Button---> Save

We get a message 5100001 was stored in Company Code PSL

Step 3.    Display & Posting Recurring Document
Display:  Accounting---> Fianancial Accounting---->General Ledger---->Periodic Processing
----->Recurring Entries----> Lists( F.15)
Posting:   Accounting---> Fianancial Accounting---->General Ledger---->Periodic Processing
----->Recurring Entries----> Execute( F.14)
Company Code: PSL
Document Numb: 5100001 (Number Generated by Creation of Recurring Doc)
Session Name   PSL                                           →Select Process Button
Select Display Errors only Radio Button Select Process Button again We get a message "Processing of Batch Input Session Completed" Exit from Batch Input Session.

To View the Document Posted  use the Transction Code FB-03

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