Monday, September 16, 2013

Hiring Old Employees

Hiring The Old Employee In To The Company

I am trying to re-hire an employee left the organization 2 years back.   I configured the re-hiring action by copying the hiring action infotypes. Now I have a couple of problems:
1. I would like to give a new employee number
2. Link the previous history of employment
3. Add a condition to use the previous designation for at least 3 months from the date of joining.
If I try to create a new hiring action by referring previous employee is allowing to change the position..also if I new a new employee in overview of 0000 in PA30 it displays only the new hiring details...where as I want it to display all the past actions as well.
Is there any other way-out?
Go to PB10
Select the icon "former employee" in the application tool bar in the screen initial data entry and hit it
Then you will find a screen "initial data entry" with highlighting the fields at name ...... ENTER LAST NAME AND FIRST NAME OF THE PREVIOUS EMPLOYEE.
Then enter as desired by the system.
Then you will enter again into the screen initial data entry with some text format details.
Here in this text format  two clauses you will find
1_) applicant
2_) former emplyee
You want to give former employee number for the person rehiring click on former employee and hit the "icon person identified"
else you want to give new emp number click on "applicant" and hit "person identified" icon then it will come back to the original screen"initial data entry" and asks for the advertisement number through which this former employee applied and save this screen

Rest of the process is as usual PB30, PB40, PB60 and PA40, PA30. 

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