Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Industry Analysis, How is industry analysis done

How is industry analysis done? 
Answer: Analyzing the following factors can do industry analysis:

I. Environmental Forces Affecting the Industry
A. Political Environment
B. Social\Cultural\Demographic Environment
C. Technological Environment

II. Market Analysis A. Market Size
B. Current rate of Growth
C. Growth Projections
D. Major Segments in the Market
E. Buying Processes and Considerations

III. Structure of the Industry
A. Exit/Entry Barriers B. Value-added chain
C. Major buyers and suppliers and power of each
D. Range of Substitutes
E. Level of Rivalry
F. Major Competitors
G. Possible New Entrants
H. Global vs. Multi-domestic Operations
I. Level of Concentration in Operations and Locations

IV. Competitor Analysis
A. Size of Company
B. Location of Headquarters & Operations
C. Importance of Industry in Company Operations
D. Targeting\Positioning Strategy E. Distinctive Operational Policies
F. Global Vs Multi-domestic Operations
G. Level of Concentration in Operations and Locations
H. Competitive Posture
I. Prospects for Future Strategy and Likelihood of Success.

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