GROUPS: SAP has given 2 types of
Tolerance Groups
1. General Ledger
Account Tolerance 2. Employee Tolerance
General Ledger Account Tolerance
is mandatory in SAP which is applicable in Receipts & Payments. Before understanding Tolerance Groups,
we need to know about "Open Item Management".
MANAGEMENT: This is used for Vendors/Customers/Balance Sheet Items where Clearing is Required.
Suppose by
the Month end 31.07.2009 we have to pay Salaries 500000
Wages 400000
Rent 25000
Entry for Payable amounts:
Wages A/c 400000
Rent A/c 25000
To Outstanding Expeneses A/c 925000
If we see the
account in the Month End,we will have Number of Credit items and Number of
Debit Items. We don’t know which item is pending and How much is Pending. IN SAP, if we select
Open Item Management, at the time of payment , system will ask against which item
the payment is made. When we specify the
payment is made against Rent that item will be cleared upto the extent we paid.
If we paid 25000 against Rent A/c , We can
see accounts in 3 ways.
A) Open Items Payable Amounts Salaries and
Wages in Example
B) Cleared ItemsPaid Amounts Rent and Bank
Accounts in Example
C) All Items Payable + Paid
Once we
selected Open Item Management, we can see Bill Wise Payable of Vendors,
Billwise Receivbales of Customers.
discussed earlier, SAP has given Tolerance Groups. Tolerance means Pament
Diffrence. It can be " Amount Tolerance" to "Percentage
Tolerance". It can be Debit or
We create Tolerance for Tolerance Groups
Tolerance Amount Percentage
Group Tolerance Tolerance
A 100
B 2%
C 0 0
1. Create Tolerance group and give the
tolerance amount or Percentage or both
2. Tolerance group will be specified in
General Ledger A/c.
Ex: Salaries 500000
Wages 400000
Outstanding Expneses as on 31.07.09
Rent 25000
Commission 100005
IN General Ledger a/c for Outstanding
Expenses account we have specified Tolerance
Group " A". When we make payment
of 100000 to Commission , System check
Howmuch is payable 100005
Howmuch is Paid 100000
Difference 5
If the difference amount is withing the
Tolerance Group Amount ( 100 Rs for "A" Tolerance) The difference
will be transferred to Sundry Balances Written off account and clear the
Item-Commission automatically.
Item-Commission automatically.
Dis-advantages of Tolerance System:
1. Tolerance group is given at A/c Level and
not at Transactions Level.
2. No Flexibility in Tolerance Groups.
If the Tolerance amount is within the
Tolerence Group Limit, system will automatically transfer the Difference amount to Sundry Balances Written
Off account. It should ask the end user before Transferring. In Live Environment, we use Tolerance Group
"C" in which Tolerance
amount and Tolerance Percentage both are ZERO.
If we specify Tolerance Amount
(or) Tolerance Percentage as ZERO, system will show the
balance "5" as Outstanding in Account. It the Customer or Enduser decision to Pay or not
to Pay.
balance "5" as Outstanding in Account. It the Customer or Enduser decision to Pay or not
to Pay.
If we want
to Pay Rs. 5------> we show 100000 paid as part payment and balance show as
outstanding amount.
outstanding amount.
If we don’t
want to pay Rs.5 -----> Transfer this amount to Sundry Balances Written off
and clear Tranaction.
and clear Tranaction.
Say we have 1000 General Ledger A/c , 1000
Vendors and 1000 Customers. In all Accounts we have
to assaign Tolerance Group "C" which is highly difficult. So we keep Tolerance Group as Blank and Amount "ZERO"
For Company Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Code Group Amount Percentage
PSL Blank "0" "0"
When we
create the account, Tolerance Group will be " Blank". System expects
we have created Blank Tolerance Group and Assaigned in the Account.
SPRO----->Financial Accounting----->General Ledger
Transactions---->Open Item
Clearing---->Clearing Differences---->Define Tolerance Group for GL
A/c----> Select New Entries Button.
Company Code PSL
Tolerance Group Blank
Description Tolerance
Group for PSL
Debit Posting "0" Debit % "0"
Credit Posting "0" Credit % "0"
Select "Save"
(or) CTRL+S Prese Enter to Save in your Request.
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